Introduction to SMART Monitoring

Concanon Presents: Introduction to S.M.A.R.T Monitoring By TONY KUSTWAN Introduction to SMART Monitoring “If you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it”? Measurement is critical to the success of every organization, and a holistic approach to monitoring must be taken. One would think that there would be a well-defined set of measurements that can be […]
Observability – Logging

Concanon Presents: Observability Series Part 3: Logging By Tony Kustwan In Part 2 of the Observability Series, Application Performance Monitoring, we looked at application performance monitoring and the different application performance monitoring solutions. We also looked at why application performance is not enough, and the pros and cons of these specific solutions. In the third […]
BlueVoyant to Acquire Concanon

By Doug McClanahan By Mike Cormier From its inception, Concanon has had a single focus, to create a consulting company with a culture attractive to us as if we were employees. This means that every decision we made was based on whether it was valuable to customers and was for the good of the people […]
Data Troubleshooting – Data Delivery

Data Troubleshooting Series Data Delivery By JOSHUA NUDELL Have you ever deployed new technology and not have it go as expected? This is true for most technologies. Recently we have introduced Cribl LogStream to a customer’s observability pipeline and ran into a few issues. Knowing how your data is supposed to get from the originating […]
Observability – Application Performance Monitoring

Concanon Presents: Observability Series Part 2: Application Performance Monitoring By Tony Kustwan In Part 1 of our Observability series, we looked at what Observability is and how it differs from traditional monitoring. We also explored the different telemetry types needed to obtain true Observability and the various tools to address the first aspect, Synthetic Transactions. […]
Case Study: Concanon & Cribl

Case Study: Cribl Concanon takes pride in the word “partner.” We are happy to have established a deep and meaningful partnership with Cribl. Check out this writeup from Cribl about how Concanon brings Trust not just to the relationship with our customers but with our partners as well. Read the Case Study
Splunk Attack Range: Full Installation Guide

Splunk’s Attack Range Your Full Installation Guide By JUSTIN PRESSLEY Splunk’s Attack Range Splunk quite literally changed the information security landscape with the introduction of Attack Range, their rock star breach and attack simulation development platform. Essentially, Attack Range allows users to quickly and accurately emulate a production enterprise environment. Once this “lab” is created, […]
Attack Range: An Open Source Solution for Cybersecurity Control Validation

An Open-Source Improvement for Cybersecurity Content Development By JUSTIN PRESSLEY Why Improve Content Development? Cybersecurity has always been a “cat and mouse” game, but the battle between those seeking to defend their data and those seeking to steal it has never been more savage. Since early 2020, more employees than ever are working remotely – […]
Observability, an Introduction

Concanon Presents: Observability Series Part 1: The Introduction By Tony Kustwan The new buzzword on the block is observability, and many companies are using it willy-nilly to spruce up their offerings. In this multi-series blog post, I will break down the definition of observability, its different aspects, how it differs from current monitoring, what tools are […]
Shiny Objects in Security

Stop Chasing Shiny Objects Leveraging Your Existing Cybersecurity Investments By Anthony Giallombardo Cybersecurity is a rapidly advancing field and every day you hear about new developments, threats, and technologies. There’s a thrill to keeping your finger on the pulse and constantly learning about those major stories that steal the headlines. Because after all, if you’re […]